it's really my desire to have a blog site of my own. i tried to build one or two yet every time i start making i just lost my interest. my attitude is.. i could not maintain my zealousness on one thing..i get bored easily! besides the "sharing " idea is not me. i am more of a private person and sharing my life or my deepest secrets and thoughts would expose me..my personality..and i don't want that. a blog is like a diary..and it is supposed to be kept to oneself, right? or if not, it can only be exposed when a person is already dead just like Anne Frank's diary but..well, technology changed all this..with millions of personal blogs now on the net, people tend to be like an open book..and yet it does no harm..people accept facts and they get to like the person..it boost one's self esteem..it build friendships..it does a lot of good. what i thought as wrong is not bad after all and changing my perception now is not yet too late..